If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.
- John 13: 14-15
I wanted to take an opportunity to thank those who washed my feet today. I have been struggling to raise the needed funds for my mission trip to Cambodia, and one of my friends had the idea of having a car wash. Without me making any arrangements, or putting forth any effort, the entire car wash was planned and prepared for. All I had to do was show up. I had five very dear friends spend their day holding signs, scrubing cars, and sitting in the hot sun hoping for another car to show up.
I spent that time in amazement as each of them spent our dead time texting (as fast as their thumbs could go) all their friends to try to drum up some more bussiness. And when a car did come by, no one tried to get out of helping, we all jumped in and sprayed, scrubed, rinsed, and dried every car. They were eager to help me out however they could.
It was truely a service to me, there was nothing in it for any of them. All the donations are going directly to pay for my part of the mission trip. I honestly wish I could give them something in return for what they have done for me. But all I can do is say thank you, and thank God for the amazing brothers and sisters He has blessed me with.
So thank you,
Sarah, Mauk, Justin, Hannah, and Josiah
You have washed my feet, by washing other people's cars!
I hope some day to wash yours.
I'm glad it went well. I wish I could have been there or at least taken my car by (it needs a good bath right now). I would have loved to have been able to help.
Praying for the rest of your needed funds, Johnathan!
I'm glad I was able to help out. But don't think that you owe me anything. For you have already been there to serve me. Whether by being there to talk, or by just opening up your apartment to me. You have blessed me in many ways. I cherish the friendship we have and look forward to growing closer to you.
God Bless
Dear Jonathan - this is one of the sweetest blog entries I've ever read! I'm excited at how God is providing for your trip to Cambodia and I continue to pray for provision, good health, etc.
Jonathan, it was our pleasure: )
I was more than happy to do it!
you know i never really thot about that in a metaphorical way! i always thot it was like literally washing there feet! i really like that it sort of opened my eyes to see all the times my friends have washed my feet! i like that!