HOLY HOLY HOLY: Glory to the Trinity!

Posted by Jonathan Trentham

Holy Holy Holy
You are the Lord God Almighty
Holy Holy Holy
I come to You on bended knee
Holy Holy Holy
Who is, who was, and is to be

Holy Holy Holy
You're the Lamb who was slain for me
Holy Holy Holy
You died and then You rose in three
Holy Holy Holy
Who is the King eternally

Holy Holy Holy
Living Spirit of God in me
Holy Holy Holy
You make it so the blind can see
Holy Holy Holy
Who fills my soul with jubilee


  1. Anonymous said...

    I like it -- simple and true!

    Consider... "Who was, who is and forever will be"

    wadda ya think?

    Now find somebody to write a melody, record it and then get some $$$....

    I like the symbol, would be neat in 3D graphic that rotated, would the blog page support that kind of graphic? Ideally, it would catch your eye to then read the text...

  2. Jonathan Trentham said...

    Hello dad,

    thanks for checking out my blog!

    "Forever will be" has too many sylobles, and I was trying to stick closer to the scripture that says "is to come"

    but thank you for the consideration!

    as far as $, I'm not interested to recieve a money reward for my written work. I like stacking up my reward in heaven where theif cant steal and moth cant destroy!

    The symbol is called a trinity knot. it is a triquetra interlaced with circle to symbolize three separate parts all as one entity.