The Kampot Cambodia Connection (Issue 2)

Posted by Jonathan Trentham



-A weekly update from the field by Jonathan Trentham

Elephant School News:

Another week of classes have flown by. I teach the three Level 1 classes at the school. Level 1 is our most advanced class we are offering this semester, and the students in our Level 1 classes are FULL of questions. They have memorized almost all the hundreds of grammatical "rules" of the English language. To have the grasp that these students have on the English language takes hours and hours of study and lots of hard work. Now, it is my job to teach them that there is no such thing as "rules" in English but "guidelines" instead. Exceptions are not very common in their language, so the many silent letters, irregular verbs, and the countless grammatical exceptions we think nothing about do nothing but confuse the students. My classes have been good sports about it though. They actually think its funny that we would even make grammar rules in the first place if we wont stick to them, and I think they have a good point!

The student Mony, who I shared about last week, will be out of town for the next week of classes. But there are plenty of other students who will be present and who have shown a genuine curiosity in the Gospel of grace and truth. Please continue to lift up the students of the Elephant English School in prayer. Many of them come from small rice-field villages that are hours away from the small town of Kampot. These students have never heard the Gospel before, and neither has anyone from their villages. We have set out to bring the message of Jesus Christ to the surrounding villages THROUGH the students that come to learn from us every weekday. Your prayers are appreciated!

Recent Happenings:

This past week has been a week of reflection and prayer. The Burke family went up to the capital city, Phnom Penh, because on of the orphan boys needed his tonsils removed. So that allowed me to spend some peaceful alone time while house-sitting for them. I have gained some much needed insights and direction from the Lord in that time. This period of reflection, however short it may be, has been a wonderful gift from God, and an answer to my and your prayers. So I want to thank each of you for remembering me and the rest of the lighthouse team before the Lord. He has been faithful to us and to the prayers on our behalf. God is good. As I step out of this season of rest and prayer, I can sense that I am stepping back onto the spiritual battlefield that is laid out before me. This city is not open to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus, and there are many strongholds that have yet to be knocked down. Please join with me in prayer as we cry out to the ancient gates of this city to fling wide for the King of glory. My prayer and my pleasure is found in Christ being glorified in Kampot, Cambodia. He is worthy.

Prayer Points:

  • Visions and dreams to increase among the people of Kampot (Visions and dreams mean a great deal to the Cambodian people, God has used them to stir a curiosity for the Gospel in numerous parts of S.E. Asia)
  • Our Christian brothers and sisters who study at the school, that they will stand strong for Christ Jesus (I have three Christian students, one in each class, Tola, Lam Chan, and Marie)
  • Spiritual Gifts to arise and increase among the Lighthouse Team
  • Signs and wonders to follow the preaching of the Gospel as a testimony to the non-believers
  • Health and good rest for the Lighthouse Team. (This is a spiritually and physically intense part of the world. Rest and protection from God are needed to maintain our stamina and strength both spiritually and physically)


In Christ,

Jonathan Trentham

Romans 12:1-2

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