The Kampot Cambodia Connection (Issue 3)

Posted by Jonathan Trentham

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(Evening clouds outside my bedroom window)


-A weekly update from the field by Jonathan Trentham

Elephant School News:

This has been exam week at the Elephant English School. I have spent the past week calling students out of class one by one to test them. Many of the students dreaded me calling their name, but when all was said and done, I think our students as a whole did very well. There are a few students couldn't speak three words of English when they came through our doors, and I have been following their progress from afar as a measuring stick to judge our teaching methods by. Two of those three students passed with flying colors, and the other scored much higher than I expected. Unfortunately not all of our students will be promoted to the next level of classes. There is a responsibility on the students shoulders to put effort into study and practice, and it is important to us hold a standard for the school. If we were to graduate both the students who put forth the effort to learn and those who just show up for a diploma, we would soon lose respect in the city as a reputable school to study at. And it is our aim to provide these people not only with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, but also with a quality learning environment and academic credit system. Where we stand, I think we are making some good first steps. There is plenty of room for the school and us as teachers to grow and learn as we seek to glorify God through teaching English in Kampot, Cambodia.

Recent Happenings:

This week has indeed been a spiritually heavy week. I have greatly appreciated the prayers that many of you have been lifting up for the team and me. On Tuesday I started to notice a spiritual heaviness and many on the team mentioned that they had been feeling very down and tired as well. We then found out that Wednesday would be a very bloody sacrificial holiday to appease the spirits, and sure enough there were slaughtered pigs in front of most of the businesses and homes in the city. There is power in blood, and there was a lot of blood shed in Kampot this week to appease the spirits that have such a strong grip on the lost of this city. But the Good News is ours! Christ's blood is stronger! We have victory over the heaviness that these "holidays" place over us. And the illusion of peace that the monks lead the people in through these sacrifices will not stand against the conviction of the Holy Spirit. A true peace is ours to be had! Jesus Christ is our Peace. My prayer is that the truth of the gospel will impact the people of this city, and the bondage of Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam will be broken off from this place.

Prayer Points:

  • Visions and dreams to increase among the people of Kampot (Visions and dreams mean a great deal to the Cambodian people, God has used them to stir a curiosity for the Gospel in numerous parts of S.E. Asia)
  • Our Christian brothers and sisters who study at the school, that they will stand strong for Christ Jesus (I have three Christian students in my classes, one in each class, Tola, Lam Chan, and Marie)
  • Daily fillings of the Holy Spirit to be thirsted for by the people of God in Kampot
  • A hunger for God's Word to arise not only in the Christians but also among the lost
  • Health and good rest for the Lighthouse Team. (This is a spiritually and physically intense part of the world. Rest and protection from God are needed to maintain our stamina and strength both spiritually and physically)


In Christ,

Jonathan Trentham

Romans 12:1-2

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