A Letter to God

Posted by Jonathan Trentham


You more than anyone, know my own heart.
You hear my own thoughts and know when I start,
To drift from your will and pick my own ways.
As I begin making the plans for my days.

I had not surrendered all unto you
I hold on to some things, and want to be new.
But you did not ask for most all of me.
You wanted it all, and now, that I see.

But I never expected that it would require
The one very thing, I so often desire.
To make my own plans and pick my own end
But I dont seem to know what’s around the bend.

Each day you surprise me with your amazing plan
And it makes me look back to where I would have ran.
I can finally see that you know what is better
So I am taking some time to write you this letter.

A letter to thank you for all that you’ve done
In protecting me from times when my flesh would have won
I cant thank you enough for all that you do
And all the things you’ve done that I never knew

Too often I try to jump to conclusions
About what you have for me, but its only illusions
I’m so very thankful that you use your kind hand,
To guide me through each day in this very strange land.